Here we go!

We all know that losing weight has some serious advantages. We also know that losing weight makes finding new clothes that fit challenging. I did a blog post on the clothing issue a while back, but the other issue I'm running into now is...
It starts slow. The panties start to ride up and try to sneak into my butt. I pull them back into place and move on with my day. Then it just starts to get totally out of control. They fully have NO interest staying where they should stay. They flop around and bag out and pooch over the top of my jeans.
Don't believe me? Good. I have photographic proof. 'Cause I asked Dan to take pictures of my ridiculous ass, and he was laughing SO hard while taking these photos, I can't even explain it to you. He just kept saying, "It looks so funny! What do you have?" And I'd say, "Giant panties" and he would just laugh and blow snot and spit everywhere from guffawing and I'd say, "TAKE the damn pictures already!
If you don't want to see my saggie baggies just turn away now.

And the coup de gras:

Frack. I REALLY need some new skivvies. I mean, seriously. It looks like I have a giant dump of white poo in my drawers.
And this couldn't have come at a better time. Our very favorite Cutefaced, Rum-Lovin' Insatiable Host is starting a really fun project called The Panty Pyramid.
I'm out to get me some new undies, y'all. It's time I took care of myself by losing weight, yes, but also by remembering to do things like... get a pedicure, and pluck my damn eyebrows, and buy pretty underthings that fit me.
That goes for you all, too.
You are a brave woman! Love the message. All too often I forget to be girly and pamper myself like I need to. Thanks for the reminder. I am blown away by the giant panties! I have a few of those myself that need tossing.
Rofl you crack me up! get yourself some sexie lacies I know sexy roo's make me feel better :)
Yep, this definitely happened to me. I've now started to buy new underwear because it was getting so out of control :P
haha! yeah its DEFINITELY time to get you some cute new panties! :)
Oh yes. Yes indeedy. Time for new drawers. And I'm totally going to keep my eye out for some Wonder Woman Underoos, and when I find them? I'm going to send them to you, along with a case of Diet Coke. Because that's how much I love you!
You are so awesome for doing this. And yes, it is time for some new skivvies! You look too fabulous to be wearing granny panties!
you are hilarious and have OFFICIALLY trumped my exposed post.
for reals.
LOL! But dang you have a FINE ASS!!! I dream of having an ass like that one day!
Man, I need to get back to working out! I need me some poofy panties too!
Haha! Wow, now that is bravery! Getting your big-ass panties on show for thousands of people!
I'm pretty sure we all have a few pairs of big pants hidden in the drawer for those days when we just don't care...
You rock! And might I add, that your jeans look great, now you just need some new underthings! Go to Vickie's and find some cute ones.
LMFAO! Bless you for sharing your arse with the world. Have fun shopping for new pants!
OK im right there with you. I've lost 200lbs over the last two years.. which is awesome and all... but doesnt change the fact that im poor and cant afford new underwear! Last week i was on a date with a guy meeting his family for the first time. We all drank a bit too much, and his sister's boyfriend actually pointed out to everyone that my panties were hanging out the back of my pants, and they were ginormous!
And congrats on your weightloss, your ass looks fabulous!
I admire you for posting your granny-panty butt on your blog. You are awesome, Jenn. You make us all feel like we're your best girlfriends! BTW...pretty soon, you may need to change your blog name to just "Hot Girl"! Keep up the good work...both writing & weight loss.
I made the mistake of reading this on my lunch hour at work. I say mistake because I was laughing like a nutter all by myself and my coworkers were giving each other those "gee do you think she's ok?" looks.
Great post...hilarious pictures!
I was in this same situation not too long ago. And even now I still have a few pairs that droop in the back. You are brave for posting pictures, but your ass looks good! :)
Good luck finding cute new panties! Once you figure out your new size, it's a bunch of fun picking out the colors and designs you want.
Damn girlfriend, your butt's looking totally cute! :)
Too funny!!
I haven't lost weight (actually, I've GAINED weight), but I recently bought some new underwear. I thought boy shorts looked comfy, but apparently, I bought about 3 sizes TOO BIG! So now my husband is making fun of my MASSIVE panties-- and all I can do is laugh and remind him, "Ha! At least I Have jeans on to keep them up!"
Yup; panties shopping. I gotta go too.
Looks like you have on my dad's Froot of the Looms.
Bah! Oh the things we go through as women!!!
I, too, need to remember to take care of myself...pretty things...DEF groom the eyebrows (they're outta control now)...get nasty chipped polish off my toes and fingers!! Whew, when will I ever have time!? ;)
You? Are my HERO for this, Ferris Bueller style.
Lookin' hot, grandma!
Hahahahaha. I love it! I've lived it!!!
right there with you. i still have some "smalls" from the last time i was, well, small, but there aren't enough of them. so it's either do laundry more often or wear giant panties. neither of which are appealing.
AH! I totally have those exact same panties! And I HATE them! They leave the worst panty lines and they're not sexy at all! I only wear them as my post-workout panties so I don't use up my good ones. In fact, you've inspired me to get rid of all my ugly panties. I'm making my husband take me to Victoria's Secret stat! (not that he'd complain, I'm sure)
p.s. My word verification was "munderia"... is that what it's called when your big underwear is making its way out of your pants?
I have a drawer full of my fat (maternity) pants. Saggy, baggy with broken elastic and with pirates on them (WTF). Think it's time for a lot too.
SO true about the giant panties!! i have the same look however i am still working towards not having to buy the extra large underwear...oh to remember the days when i was a small! and i laughed out loud at your eyebrow comment. why is it that just because we have gained weight we let every possible thing go?? my eyebrows look like a furry monster on my face perhaps i should get out the tweezers tonight!
I thought that I was the only one. I was walking to go get Japanese in a jersey dress and my boyshorts decided to start falling off. I had to duck behind a pillar thingy to discreetly readjust. I came this close to just taking them off and saying to hell with it. If it weren't so windy I probably would have. Lord, I have no shame.
Brave girl, posting your granny-panty clad butt! You've got a nice looking one though, so go get some pretty/sexy/fun panties to celebrate!
My penalty for procrastinating on doing laundry is ending up wearing the giant panties in the back of my drawer. Think I'll toss 'em and go shopping, you've inspired me!
I like panties to cover all my bottom and yet somehow they tend to do that with my jeans too, I hate it. The panties that are cut low don't cover my bottom. It is frustrating.
Yay for you! GO! Go forth and buy yourself some sexy, cute, hot undies from Victoria's secret! Or wherever as long as they are cute, hot, and sexy. I'll tell you why. Cute underwear always put me in a good mood. Then you can walk around all day long smiling and nobody knows why. I love when people see you with a HUGE grin and wonder why. Not to mention your brave and wonderful assistant photographer will like them too! You deserve it. Congratulations.
Hmm, I am highly jealous of your ass. The end.
I have the same problem...I have the same underwear that are sickingly baggy on me. I just lost alot of wright and my 'period panties' feel horrible. Its so neat to see someone else with the same weird problem. I dont know why I havent bought new underwear...
LOL...are those Fruit of the Loom....I swear I'm wearing a pair of orange ones right now...they are so comfy I don't care if they are considered granny panties.
It's nice to see that I'm not the only one who's been modeling granny panties in a post lately. I love wearing granny panties. We have good company with Madonna, Pink, and Lady Gaga. I don't think you're overly heavy at all although I admire your intention to be in good shape. I love wearing granny panties. Some of them are pretty and they are WAY more comfortable than the other styles.
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